Our needs, both physical and emotional, are like us: unique!
These needs evolve according to our age, our lifestyle, our convictions, our choices, our pathologies, our allergies, our intolerances, our energy needs, our emotional states...!
Convinced that a natural, healthy and balanced diet is a pillar of our well-being for both body and mind, I invite you to take care of yourself!
An invitation to opt, in accordance with your rhythm and in harmony with what you are experiencing, for a diet that will give you the energy and vitality you deserve!
A diet that will also, and above all, give you pleasure!
For many of us, rebalancing our diet, by choice or necessity, is a challenge.
Being advised and accompanied in this process is a precious asset. It provides a personalised method and tools as well as motivation and emotional support.
I invite you to contact me in the following cases: general food rebalancing-diabetes-muscle and skeletal system care-irritable bowel-candidosis-allergies-intolerances...
I am also specialised in the alignment of body and mind: nutritional support in situations of depression-burn-out-anxiety-anguishings-loss of energy...