Sébastien Ledentu is an energetic hairdresser, he practices the original energetic cut. This cut is made with a full-blade razor called a "cabbage cutter". This technique works in two ways. The energetic cut is a natural treatment of the scalp and hair. The hair will be worked on 360 degrees, it is the only part of our body that can turn on itself. All the blood micro-circulation will be activated. We have between 150 000 and 300 000 hairs, 1 bulb per hair and 2 capillary vessels per bulb. (about 25,000 km of capillaries). Each horripilator muscle is stimulated, which gives an immediate volume effect. Before the cut a diagnosis of the scalp and hair will be made, a care will be adapted according to the climatic cosmetology. The range of treatments used is organic and has been designed according to the law of the 5 elements of traditional Chinese medicine and the 5 seasons. A shiatsu cranial massage is given on the 4 meridians running through the scalp. The other effect of the cut is vibratory, the wave emitted by the razor will be transmitted in the body via the scales of the hair, the hair bulb and travel through the whole body. Emotions may arise and will be decoded according to the energy points. The reading is always in the form of a question, never an affirmation. To practise this cut, a minimum of 3 to 4 centimetres of hair length is required over the entire skull and to have the energetic-vibratory effect, a minimum of 5 millimetres is required. All types of cuts are possible. Each person is received in private in the salon which has been designed according to the feng-shui philosophy.
The book " The energetic cut - the hair under the Soul of the razor" Editions Amyris
1 Comment
Hello, I would like to know who was your training on energy cutting. Thank you in advance.
BergerOctober 21, 2022